Man-power Training As An Aid To Management In Business Enterprises (a Case Study Of Emenite Nigeria Limited Enugu)

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The purpose of this research work is to evaluate how manpower training programme contribute in aiding management in achieving the organizational objectives or goals.
It is equally believed that recommendations of this research work will be useful to most business organizations especially Emenite Nigeria limited Enugu.
This research work was presented in three chapters; chapter one, deals with the introduction which contains the background of the study brief history of Emenite Nigeria limited Enugu; inclusive is the statement of the study objectives of the study and definitions of important terms.
Chapter two, deal with the literature review while chapter three treated the research design and methodology, presentation and analysis of data were treated.

Title page
Approval page
Table of contents

1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Importance of the study
1.5 Scope and limitation of the study
1.6 Definition of important terms
1.7 References
2.1 Definition/Meaning of training
2.2 Objectives of training
2.3 Evaluations of training
2.4 Principles and techniques of training
2.5 Methods of training
2.6 References
3.1 Sources of Data
3.2 Presentation of data
3.3 Analysis of data
3.4 Summary of findings
3.5 Recommendations
3.6 Conclusion
3.7 References


this research work is an attempt to study the importance of human resources management, in a business resources management in a business organization or enterprises which is of paramount importance to its survival.
Every organization, to a large extent depends more on these resources for the attainment of it’s objectives;
However, the objectives cannot be attain unless the organization is made of the employees who have skills, knowledge and ability to work.
Although employees may have the abilities skills and knowledge, in the long run they may find it very difficult to cope with their jobs due to many factors such as organizational changes, job changes, and technological changes and so on.
Therefore, management involves manpower training and development as one of is various activities.  When workers are employed, they are not just left to stay and work until they are done for retirement, but they are being trained in order to increase their abilities, skills and knowledge.
Experience has shown that many employees have failed in organization become their need for training was not identified or provided for as an indispensable part of management function.
However, employees are not just trained for their own benefits only, the organization stands to gain a lot from them as well.  The manpower development programme is a very important activity, management cannot afford to miss because of it’s various objectives.  A lot of reasons explain why organizations carry out manpower training.
These include:
a. to avoid high costs of wastes and equipment maintenance.
b. to improve the quality of output.
c. To improve the quality of input.
d. to lower the cost of wastes and equipment maintenance
e. To prevent turnover absenteeism and increase employee job satisfaction
f. To prevent employee obsolesce.
Considering the benefits of manpower training mention above, one is prone to say that manpower training is indispensably necessary for attainment of organizational goals.  A substantial amount of money is needed for this programme but is regard as money.
Well invested because of its various benefits.
In fact, the importance of manpower training cannot be over emphasized. It plays a large part in determining the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.
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(2014, 10). Man-power Training As An Aid To Management In Business Enterprises (a Case Study Of Emenite Nigeria Limited Enugu).. Retrieved 10, 2014, from
"Man-power Training As An Aid To Management In Business Enterprises (a Case Study Of Emenite Nigeria Limited Enugu)." 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <>.
"Man-power Training As An Aid To Management In Business Enterprises (a Case Study Of Emenite Nigeria Limited Enugu)..", 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <>.
"Man-power Training As An Aid To Management In Business Enterprises (a Case Study Of Emenite Nigeria Limited Enugu).." 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014.

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