Summary Of "the Big Blonde" "late Bud" And "never Say It Is All Over"

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 The story centers around yaaba – Being the least child of his parents , yaaba always formed the habit of playing till dusk and much to the disappointment of her maami , she avoids running errands for her . She eloped with other children to play whenever it is time to work at home and come back when she perceived that food is ready, yet she would found her food kept for her at its normal wooden bowl .
On one afternoon , when Yaaba came to eat her food , Its struck on her throat . She managed to gulp Its down . She over heard her grandma talking to herself . Her grandma is complaining that If Adwoa is around , She would had get her red earth with which she would use to renew her floor because the next day is Christmas Sunday .
Panying and Kakra were twins who played with Yaaba . For they won’t go home until they were called by their mother. Yaaba too would stay until she gets their mother tired of playing .
They informed yaaba their intention of getting red earth from the pit for their mother since they won’t go to church the next day . this made yaaba to remember her maami’s complaint and decide to follow them the next day to get It before the church bell ring .
When Yaaba finished eating her food she didn’t take her bath before going to bed . This attitude infuriated maami , who came and woke her up . She received some beating from maami  that night. She couldn’t sleep at night so she started to get ready for her mission , to get the red earth  while she was trying to get the the “Apampa” she stumbled on a bowl of water and feel down . She hit her chest on the edge of the tray ,  maami thinking that thief has entered their house , started shouting . Her shout attracted neighbours . Medicine man was called to treat yaaba who is unable to speak due to the injury she sustain on her chest .
At exactly the time  Yaaba agreed with the twins , they came and was told that she is still sleeping. They told maami and the other women present why they were looking for yaaba. It now dawn on maami that Yaaba was trying to get apampa of which she would use to get the red earth for her but yaaba don’t know that benyinwa had finished renewing her  floor when she was away playing . She was moved and went closer to her and called her “my child”. yaaba on hearing that , was surprise . She asked herself If maami is truly her mother. As  a result of her pain she can’t  talk and she slept off again .

Table of contents

1.0 SUMMARY OF THE STORY “late bud”
1.1 Analysis of the story “Late Bud”

2.0 Summary of “The Big Blonde”
2.1 Analysis of “The Big Blonde”

3.0 Summary of “ Never say it is all over”

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(2014, 10). Summary Of "the Big Blonde" "late Bud" And "never Say It Is All Over".. Retrieved 10, 2014, from
"Summary Of "the Big Blonde" "late Bud" And "never Say It Is All Over"." 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <>.
"Summary Of "the Big Blonde" "late Bud" And "never Say It Is All Over"..", 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <>.
"Summary Of "the Big Blonde" "late Bud" And "never Say It Is All Over".." 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014.