A Lexico-syntactic Analysis Of Errors In Selected Yoruba Film Subtitled In English

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Language is learned and shred, it is an arbitrary system of vocal symbols through which human beings in the same speech community interact, thereby communicate. Errors in communication can be inhibitions towards effective communication and decoding of messages. This research sets out to carry out an error analysis on some selected Yoruba films subtitled in English. Errors were lifted from four Yoruba films subtitled in English and were numbered as attested in each film. Error analysis was then carried out on them. i.e the errors were identified, classified into their types, explain why such errors were made and corrections were proffered where  necessary. The research found out that the major causes of these errors were inter-lingual and intra-lingual transfer. The research also found out that errors can cause a break-down in communication in Yoruba films to non-Yoruba viewers and in general. From these findings, the research project submitted that some of the errors that occur in Yoruba film subtitled in English are capable of causing inhibitions in the proper understanding of the message embedded in these Yoruba films to non-Yoruba viewers. 

Title pagei
Table of content vi

Chapter one: 
General introduction
1.1.Background to the study1
1.2.Purpose of the study3
1.3.Scope of the study4
1.4.Justification 4
Chapter two: literature Review
2.0 Introduction6
2.1 Lexis6
2.2 Syntax7
2.3 The two types of relationship in a sentence9
2.4 Sentence and it types10
2.5 Semantics12
2.6 Errors15
2.6.1 Error Analysis16
2.6.2 Description of errors19
2.6.3 Sources of errors19
2.6.4 Inter-lingual errors21
2.6.5 Intra-lingual errors21
2.7 Types of errors22
2.8 Yoruba films in Nigeria24

Chapter Three: 
Data Presentation
3.0 Introduction25
3.1 Types of Errors and examples of errors in film one28
3.2 Types of errors and examples of errors in films two38

Chapter four: 
Summary, Findings and conclusions
4.1 Summary57
4.2 Findings58
4.3 Conclusion59
Syntax is a technical name of the branch of linguistics is concerned with the ways which words can be combined together to form phrases and sentences. It deals with the principles that determine the ways in which we can and cannot combine words together to form phrases and sentences.
Lexicon is derived from the word “Lexicon” which means words. Lexicon-syntactic is a term that could be divided into Lexicon and Syntax. In other words, Lexicon-Syntactic is a term that means words and how they (the words) come together to form phrases and sentences.
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(2014, 10). A Lexico-syntactic Analysis Of Errors In Selected Yoruba Film Subtitled In English.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 10, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/3682/a-lexico-syntactic-analysis-of-errors-in-selected-yoruba-film-subtitled-in-english-6028
"A Lexico-syntactic Analysis Of Errors In Selected Yoruba Film Subtitled In English." ProjectStoc.com. 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/3682/a-lexico-syntactic-analysis-of-errors-in-selected-yoruba-film-subtitled-in-english-6028>.
"A Lexico-syntactic Analysis Of Errors In Selected Yoruba Film Subtitled In English.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/3682/a-lexico-syntactic-analysis-of-errors-in-selected-yoruba-film-subtitled-in-english-6028>.
"A Lexico-syntactic Analysis Of Errors In Selected Yoruba Film Subtitled In English.." ProjectStoc.com. 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/3682/a-lexico-syntactic-analysis-of-errors-in-selected-yoruba-film-subtitled-in-english-6028.

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