Pension Scheme Mangement In Nigeria (problems And Prospects)

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Pension Scheme Management is Nigeria was introduce to reduce the level of economic insecurity associate or which arises as a result of retirement.  The study investigated the problems and prospects of pension scheme management in Nigeria.  The data for the research work were sourced both from primary and secondary method of data collection.  The population of the study comprises of insurance staff, pension managers and administrators.  The sample size was determined using the Yaro Yamni theoretical model.  The researchers found that the general public are not very much aware of pension scheme arrangement and how it words and recommended that there is as urgent need for public campaign to enlighten the public and various business organization on the important benefit of pension schemes.

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(2014, 09). Pension Scheme Mangement In Nigeria (problems And Prospects).. Retrieved 09, 2014, from
"Pension Scheme Mangement In Nigeria (problems And Prospects)." 09 2014. 2014. 09 2014 <>.
"Pension Scheme Mangement In Nigeria (problems And Prospects)..", 09 2014. Web. 09 2014. <>.
"Pension Scheme Mangement In Nigeria (problems And Prospects).." 09, 2014. Accessed 09, 2014.

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