This thesis is concerned with feminist aesthetics carving out the motherist theory in the title The role of women in the Socio–economic development of Nigeria using Buchi Emecheta as an example. It is a common knowledge that most Nigerian culture gives more cognition for the “men”in the society than the women.This study however aims at examining and analysing Emecheta’s text The Joys of Motherhood, written by Buchi Emecheta, as it enumerates in themes , characterisations and plot construction.This study shows the travails of a women being subjected by her tradition. It also how the culture of a society gives more room for the man than the woman.Nigerian women however in their society has proved to be more than bench warming spectators,even in the midst of their male dominated professional congregations.This research is aimed at promoting further related feminist studies in Literature.
Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgements iv
Abstract v
Table of Content vi
1.0 Introduction. 1
1.1 The Economic Contribution of women in Nigeria. 3
1.2 The Social Contribution of women in Nigeria. 4
1.3 Statement of the Research Problem. 7
1.4 Purpose of Research. 8
1.5 Justification. 8
1.6 Scope of the work. 9
1.7 Methodology. 10
1.8 Data Description. 10
1.9 Biography of Buchi Emecheta. 11
2.0 A Review of feminist theory. 15
3.1 The Feminist Role in the plot construction 29
3.2 The family setting of Emechetas The Joys of Motherhood 33
3.3 Theme and Feminist technique in Characterisation. 35
Conclusion. 47
Traditionally the experience of marriage and motherhood dominates the life and identity of women in Africa. Women were left behind to mind the home and children. Traditionally it is believed that the life of a woman is distinct, pure and counted to be unstained. She could be classified as peaceful, without and within as an entity. She was economically dependent, as she only fulfills her role as a wife, a mother and a builder of home. It is believed that an African woman should be involved in domestic duties like farming task and skilled craft production.
Raising your children and being the best you can be, so that you know your child will grow up to make u proud, is what the African society has pumped into the meaning of Motherhood. It is believed in a contemporary African society that Motherhood is one of the most wonderful titles a woman can experience. Mothers have historically fulfilled the primary role in raising children. The African society feels that the best thing a woman can do is to give birth to children, stay at home to breast feed them, take very good care of them and even follow the husband to the farm or take the products to the Market. She is respected for this because this proves her as strong and hardworking Woman. The efforts made by each sex are subordinate. Each sex has equal condition. The contribution made by African women in the provision of both financial and social facilities is equal. Upon all the works a woman involves herself, the woman is still considered as not equal to man in traditional African society. In some societies in African only the male children are counted in a family during census, because they believe female children cannot stay long in the family, they will get married. Some husbands count their wives as possessions. Women in a typical African society are placed second to men. It is due to the conception held from creation story, since the first woman was said to have been created from the first mans rib, she is believed to be a subordinate to the first man. The African society feels that a woman’s problem cannot be solved without the help of a man. An African woman who is without a husband is looked down upon and has no protection from any in dignity. The assumed psychological belief that women are second to men has made women to be deprived equal political post with men in the society.
However women has rebel and created personal lives within the framework of possibilities and limitations set by structure and culture. These days women are striving hard to have a say in the society. Gone are the days when you have the women being relegated to the background. The notion of the education of women ending in the kitchen does not apply to the women of this age, as they combine Motherhood with their respective careers. They are able to do these successfully without one affecting the other. Indeed the women of this age have successfully survived and they are found at the top in the society.
The contribution of women to the progress of the society can’t be put aside. This range from the economic growth like marketing, weaving, manufactured products and also household affairs. The society however did not pay keen attention to the great contribution of women to the growth of the society and this has gone a long way to dampen their morals and make their effort fruitless. Vladimir Lenin(1997:94) asserts the importance of women in the society and says “We cannot go forward without Women”, in spite of the efforts of women to strive to the higher place in the society, they are still at great disadvantage and seen as inferior by their male counter parts. The male see them as second Fiddle and as such did not recognize their immense contribution towards the growth of the society. This notion is supported by Fela Anikulapo(1986) and he says “Definitely a woman’s place is in the kitchen. That is a fact unless you want us to take your job from you”.
Women are no more left behind in the affairs of the society. They now identify themselves with the societal affairs, they form associations which pursue their common interest. They have stood up to take important roles in the socio economic development of their societies.
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(2014, 08). The Role Of Women In The Socio- Economic Development Of Nigeria As In The Joys Of Motherhood By Buchi Emecheta.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 08, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/2795/the-role-of-women-in-the-socio-economic-development-of-nigeria-as-in-the-joys-of-motherhood-by-buchi-emecheta-2684
"The Role Of Women In The Socio- Economic Development Of Nigeria As In The Joys Of Motherhood By Buchi Emecheta." ProjectStoc.com. 08 2014. 2014. 08 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/2795/the-role-of-women-in-the-socio-economic-development-of-nigeria-as-in-the-joys-of-motherhood-by-buchi-emecheta-2684>.
"The Role Of Women In The Socio- Economic Development Of Nigeria As In The Joys Of Motherhood By Buchi Emecheta.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 08 2014. Web. 08 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/2795/the-role-of-women-in-the-socio-economic-development-of-nigeria-as-in-the-joys-of-motherhood-by-buchi-emecheta-2684>.
"The Role Of Women In The Socio- Economic Development Of Nigeria As In The Joys Of Motherhood By Buchi Emecheta.." ProjectStoc.com. 08, 2014. Accessed 08, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/2795/the-role-of-women-in-the-socio-economic-development-of-nigeria-as-in-the-joys-of-motherhood-by-buchi-emecheta-2684.
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