Indecent Dressing On Campuses Of Higher Institutions Of Learning In Nigeria: Implications For Counseling

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This paper looked at indecent dressing, a dress pattern that is common among students of higher institutions of learning in Nigeria particularly, the female ones by examining the various forms that these dresses appear, reasons why these students dress indecently such as poor parenting, peer pressure, wrong use of the Internet, fading values as well as demonic influence among others. 
The negative consequences of dressing indecently were identified to include rape, prostitution, HIV/AIDS and other venereal disease infection as well as armed robbery, lying and poor school grades. Recommendations put forward included that parents be good moral exemplars to their children, give them attention and regulate the films they watch at homes, the mass media must promote good moral values, religious leaders must preach against, counsel and deliver those under demonic influence, as well as the introduction of college or university uniforms for students.

Indecent dressing is a social malady that cuts across many countries of the world. Indecent dressing, according to, is dressing in a way that is likely to shock or offend people. What may offend people, it added, are parts of the body, usually sexual organs, which normally should be covered. For girls, these are the breasts, thighs and buttocks.
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(2012, 11). Indecent Dressing On Campuses Of Higher Institutions Of Learning In Nigeria: Implications For Counseling.. Retrieved 11, 2012, from
"Indecent Dressing On Campuses Of Higher Institutions Of Learning In Nigeria: Implications For Counseling." 11 2012. 2012. 11 2012 <>.
"Indecent Dressing On Campuses Of Higher Institutions Of Learning In Nigeria: Implications For Counseling..", 11 2012. Web. 11 2012. <>.
"Indecent Dressing On Campuses Of Higher Institutions Of Learning In Nigeria: Implications For Counseling.." 11, 2012. Accessed 11, 2012.

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