The research work was carried out to ascertain how knowledgeable Radiographers are on the prospects of entrepreneurial venture in the field of Medical Imaging, the challenges facing some of them from setting up their own Radiodiagnostic centre. It was carried out amongst practising Radiographers within Enugu Metropolis. Data was collected using questionnaire that were distributed to the Radiographers. Tables, frequencies and Percentages and a Bar chart was used in the analysis. It was revealed that a greater percentage of Radiographers are Knowledgeable about the Prospects of entrepreneurial ventures but some are faced with the major challenge of competition and fear of the (unknown).which has been a militating factor to the setting up of many private Radiodiagnostic centre across the Federation
Title page...................................................................i
Certification Page...........................................ii
Table of contents.....................................................v
List of Tables....................................viii
1.2. Statement of problems.......................................3
1.3. Purpose of study...........................................4
1.4. Significance of the study.. ....................5
1.5. Scope of study.....................................5
1.6.Literature Review......................................6
2.1 HISTORY...................................................................................15
2.2 Definition of terms.......................................................................16
2.3 Characteristics Of An Entrepreneur............................................17
2.4 Factors Influencing Radiographers Attitude..............................18
2.4.1 Individual Characteristics ....................................................18
2.4.2 Goals and Motivations .........................................................19
2.4.3 Entrepreneurial Orientation .................................................20
2.4.4 Prior Knowledge .................................................................21
2.4.5 Persistence and perseverance...............................................22
2.4.6 Opportunity seeking............................................................23
2.4.7 Tolerance and risk taking....................................................23
2.4.8 Self –efficacy......................................................................24
2.4.9 Creativity and innovation...................................................24
2.5 Dimensions Of Entrepreneurship..........................................25
2.6.1 Entrepreneurship As Behaviours.......................................26
2.6.2 Entrepreneurship As Outcomes(Prospects)......................27
2.7. The Entrepreneurial Cycle...................................................28
2.8.Barriers To Entrepreneurship...............................................28
2.8.1 Regulatory Barriers...........................................................29
2.8.2 Social And Cultural Barriers............................................30
2.8.3 Economic And Financial Barriers....................................31
2.8.4 Political Barriers...............................................................31
2.9. A Glance At The Advantages Of Entrepreneurship...........32
3.1.The research method.......................................................34
3.2 Population of study...................................................34
3.3 Sample size................................................................34
3.4 Instrument for data collection....................................35
3.5 Method for data collection.........................................35
3.6 Analytical procedure.................................................36
4.1 Table presentation......................................................37
4.2 Analysis of Data .....................................................43
4.3 Summary of findings................................................. 45
4.4 Bar chart Representation............................................46
4.5 Discussion................................................................. 47
5.1. Recommendations................................................................50
5.2. Conclusion............................................................................50
5.3. Suggestions for further research........................................51
5.4. Limitations of the study......................................................51
TABLE 1: SEX DISTRIBUTION.........................................37
TABLE 2: AGE DISTRIBUTION........................................37
TABLE 4: WORKING EXPERIENCE............................38
TABLE 6: FUTURE WORKING PLANS...........................39
TABLE 7: KNOWLEDGE ON WRITING BUSINESS PLAN...........................................40
TABLE 8: GENERATING CAPITAL................................40
TABLE 9: CITING A RADIODIAGNOSTIC CENTRE.........................................................41
TABLE 10: RESPONSE TO QUALITY ASSURANCE SCHEME..............................41
TABLE 11: RESPONSE TO MOTIVATING PERSONALITY..........................................42
TABLE 12: BARRIER TO ENTERPRENUERSHIP...............................42
People use the terms "entrepreneur" and "entrepreneurship" interchangeably. The entrepreneur is the person who starts his own business. The exact definition of "entrepreneurship" still remains a vague concept, that is why there are different postulates from different scholars.
The definition of entrepreneur, derived from the French word entreprendre (to undertake) refers to the undertaking of an enterprise of purpose, particularly one that requires the ability to engage in risks and daring activities1. This mindset of leadership provides framework and motivation for daily activities.
The entrepreneur as a person brings in overall change through innovation for the maximum social good2. Human values remain sacred and inspire him to serve the society. He has firm belief in social betterment and he carries out this responsibility with conviction. In this process, he accelerates personal, economic as well as human development. The entrepreneur is a visionary and an integrated man with outstanding leadership qualities2. With a desire to excel, he gives top priority to Research and Development. He always works for the well-being of the society. More importantly, entrepreneurial activities encompass many professions and foster a spirit of enterprise for the welfare of mankind; an example of such kind is entrepreneurial venture in the field of Medical Radiography.
In the healthcare sector, Medical Imaging is growing very fast and there is opportunity for Radiographers in the profession to establish an entrepreneurial venture . The complex nature of health care demands that Physicians and other health professional develop an understanding of the business of medicine.
However, it is a pity that there is no adequate exposure to some adaptive mechanism necessary to help prospective Radiographer Entrepreneurs to adapt and survive to some of the harsh challenges in entrepreneurship , which has in no small way led to a poor concept of some Radiographers towards the prospects and benefits of entrepreneurship.3
Medical Imaging is a big business involving millions of hard-earned money and managing it is quite challenging. Establishing an outpatient Medical Imaging Centre with Computed Tomography(CT) and Conventional Radiological Units involves million of cash which may be borrowed. Despite huge investments in cash and efforts, business success in medical imaging is not automatic, as private Medical Imaging practice is fraught with a lot of problems such as poor infrastructure, unstable economic climate, lack of government incentives and poor managerial skills4, which has led to bad attitude of some radiographers’ towards entrepreneurial venture.
However, there has been some militating factors (lack of finance, government unfavourable policies, societal and cultural problems to mention but a few) which has in no small way posed as a challenge to the Medical Imaging scientist and has invariably affected some of these Professionals in having the wrong mindset and concept towards what entrepreneurial ventures entails, its prospects and benefits in the field of Medical Imaging.
In conclusion, if Radiographers’ can look pass beyond these limiting factors highlighted above and be able to envisage and have a good foresight on the prospects and benefits of entrepreneurial ventures one can tap in the field of Medical Imaging ,then the Profession would be escalated to a higher degree of level in terms of job creation ,revenue generations ,innovations and lots of other prospects one can think of, which would invariably create breed of radiographers that would have the right concept towards entrepreneurial venture in the field of Medical Imaging.
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(2014, 08). Assessing Radiographer’s Concept On The Prospects Of Entrepreneurial Venture In Radiography.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 08, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/2558/assessing-radiographer-rsquo-s-concept-on-the-prospects-of-entrepreneurial-venture-in-radiography-4603
"Assessing Radiographer’s Concept On The Prospects Of Entrepreneurial Venture In Radiography." ProjectStoc.com. 08 2014. 2014. 08 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/2558/assessing-radiographer-rsquo-s-concept-on-the-prospects-of-entrepreneurial-venture-in-radiography-4603>.
"Assessing Radiographer’s Concept On The Prospects Of Entrepreneurial Venture In Radiography.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 08 2014. Web. 08 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/2558/assessing-radiographer-rsquo-s-concept-on-the-prospects-of-entrepreneurial-venture-in-radiography-4603>.
"Assessing Radiographer’s Concept On The Prospects Of Entrepreneurial Venture In Radiography.." ProjectStoc.com. 08, 2014. Accessed 08, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/2558/assessing-radiographer-rsquo-s-concept-on-the-prospects-of-entrepreneurial-venture-in-radiography-4603.
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