Evaluation Of Diagnostic Values Of Dental Radiography In The Management Of Dental Pathologies In Federal Medical Centre Asaba

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This non-experimental restrospective study was aimed to obtain information on the diagnostic value of dental radiography in the assessment of dental pathologies. And also the findings when dental radiography is compared with clinical examinations. It was conducted at Federal Medical centre Asaba. A total of 130 dental cases were reviewed. The results of this research showed that dental radiography had more diagnostic yield than clinical evalution. It was found that clinical examination had more negative findings compared with negative radiographic findings in all the pathologies assessed. However, the agreement between radiographic and clinical findings was very high. This was contrasted in chronic pulpitis where the agreement between clinical and radiographic findings, and only clinically detected had equal rate of 22.2% compared to 55.5% of only radiographically detected (negative clinical findings).Also in pericoronitis, radiography alone detected highest 62.5%. When the dental cases were distributed according to sex, more females (51.5%) than males (48.5%) had dental pathologies. It also showed that the prevalence of dental pathologies was higher in age range of 21-30 years (23.1%) compared to others. In conclusion, dental radiography was found highly invaluable in the diagnosis of dental pathologies and should be recommended for accurate diagnosis.

Table 1: Age distribution of patients for dental clinical and radiographic exams in Federal Medical Centre Asaba.
Table 2: Sex distribution of patients for dental clinical and radiographic exams
Table 3 Carious Lesions
Table 4: Dentoalveolar Abscess
Table 5: Chronic periodontitis
Table 6:  Acute Apical periodontitis
Table 7:  Acute Apical pulpitis (reversible pulpitis)
Table 8:  Chronic pulpitis (irreversible pulpitis)
Table 9:  Pericoronitis
Table 10: Retained Root
Table 11 Chronic Gingivitis
Table 12:  Fracture

Title Page 
Approval page
List of tables
Table of contents

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of Study    
1.2 Statement of Problem
1.3 Objectives of Study -
1.4 Significance of Study
1.5 Scope of the Study
1.6 Literature Review
Chapter Two
2.0 Theoretical Background
2.1   Anatomy of the Teeth
2.1.1 Development and Eruption Teeth
2.1.2 Primary Dentition
2.1.3 Permanent Dentition
2.2 Dental numbering system and notation
2.2.1 Palmer Notation Method
2.2.2 FDI World Dental Federation Notation
2.2.3 Universal numbering System (dental)
2.3   Dental pathologies and intra-oral infections
2.3.1 Dental Caries
2.3.2 Periodontitis -
2.3.3 Pulpitis
2.3.4 Tooth Abscess
2.3.5  Furcation Defect
2.3.6 Pericoronitis
2.3.7 Retained Tooth – Root
2.3.8 Cracked Tooth Syndrome
2.3.9 Gingivitis
2.3.10 Calculus
2.4 Dental Radiographic Views
2.4.1  Intra-oral radiographic views
2.4.2  Extra – oral radiographic view

Chapter Three: 
3.0 Research  Methodology    
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Target Population
3.3 Area of Study
3.4 Inclusion Criteria
3.5 Instruments of Data Collection
3.6 Methods of Data Analysis

Chapter Four:
4.0 Results     
4.1 Presentation of tables

Chapter  Five: 
5.0 Discussion, Summary, conclusion, and recommendation    
5.1 Discussion
5.2 Summary of Findings
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendation
5.5 Limitations of the Study
5.6  Areas for further Studies
Dental radiography is the x-ray examination of the teeth and associated structures.  It is the most common radiographic procedure done in cases of dental and maxillofacial disorders.  Dental radiographs on the other hand are the x-ray images of the teeth, bones, and surrounding soft tissues to screen for and help identify pathologies in the teeth, mouth and jaw.  X-ray images can show cavities, cancerous or benign masses, hidden dental structures (such as wisdom teeth), and bone loss.
Dental radiography provides diagnostic information  on caries, plaque retention factor, furcation defects, subgingival calculus and other pathologies.  In diagnosing periodontal diseases, radiographs, play an important role since critical information such as alveolar bone level, widening of periodontal ligament, crestal bone height and irregularity and crown root ratio cannot be found in clinical examination
Clinical and radiographic examinations play an integral role in the diagnosis of periodontal disorders as well as in the choice of treatment and in follow-up examination. Features visualized are dependent on the radiographic view.  Bitewing and periapical radiography are both useful tools for this purpose.  In addition to intra-oral radiography, panoramic radiography has been used as adjunct to the examination of marginal bone tissue.  Panoramic radiography compares favourably with intra-oral radiography in the assessment of marginal bone level.
Very few radiographic studies have elucidated the diagnostic yield on alveolar vertical bone defects and furcation involvements.
Caries epidemiological studies have traditionally been based on clinical examination alone.  Several studies have confirmed that the prevalence of proximal carries is significantly under estimated when clinical data are compared with the radiographic information.  Dental radiography are claimed to be of great importance, particular for the detection of proximal caries in contacting posterior surfaces.
Plague – induced periodontal diseases are mixed infections associated with relatively specific groups of indigeneous oral bacteria8.  Susceptibility to these diseases is highly variable and depends on host responses to periodontal pathogens.  Although bacteria cause plague – induced inflammatory periodontal diseases, progression and clinical characteristics of these disease are influenced by both acquired and genetic factors that can modify susceptibility to infection.
To arrive at a periodontal diagnosis, the dentist must rely upon such factors as:
i. Presence or  absence of clinical signs of inflammation (eg bleeding upon probing).
ii. Probing depts.;
iii. Extent and pattern of loss of clinical attachment and bone.
iv. Patent’s medical and dental histories, and
v. Presence or absence of miscellaneous signs and symptoms, including pain, ulceration and amount of observable plague and calculus.
Plague – induced periodontal diseases have traditionally been divided into two general categories based on whether attachment loss has occurred: gingivitis and periodontitis.  Gingivitis is the presence of gingival inflammation without loss of connective tissue attachment.  Periodontitis can be defined as the presence of gingival inflammation at sites where there has been a pathological detachment of collagen fibers from cementum and the junctional epithelium has migrated apically.  In addition, inflammatory events associated with connective tissue attachment loss also lead to the resorption of coronal portions of tooth – supporting alveolar bone.
This research is aimed at gathering information about the additional value of radiographic examination compared to clinical examination in assessing caries and other dental pathologies.  This will give information about the precise extent of underestimated pathologies when only clinical criteria is used.

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(2014, 07). Evaluation Of Diagnostic Values Of Dental Radiography In The Management Of Dental Pathologies In Federal Medical Centre Asaba.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 07, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/2244/evaluation-of-diagnostic-values-of-dental-radiography-in-the-management-of-dental-pathologies-in-federal-medical-centre-asaba-3714
"Evaluation Of Diagnostic Values Of Dental Radiography In The Management Of Dental Pathologies In Federal Medical Centre Asaba." ProjectStoc.com. 07 2014. 2014. 07 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/2244/evaluation-of-diagnostic-values-of-dental-radiography-in-the-management-of-dental-pathologies-in-federal-medical-centre-asaba-3714>.
"Evaluation Of Diagnostic Values Of Dental Radiography In The Management Of Dental Pathologies In Federal Medical Centre Asaba.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 07 2014. Web. 07 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/2244/evaluation-of-diagnostic-values-of-dental-radiography-in-the-management-of-dental-pathologies-in-federal-medical-centre-asaba-3714>.
"Evaluation Of Diagnostic Values Of Dental Radiography In The Management Of Dental Pathologies In Federal Medical Centre Asaba.." ProjectStoc.com. 07, 2014. Accessed 07, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/2244/evaluation-of-diagnostic-values-of-dental-radiography-in-the-management-of-dental-pathologies-in-federal-medical-centre-asaba-3714.

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