Introduction To Computers

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The computer as we know it is a group of pieces of hardware put together to get a job done faster. To accomplish its various tasks, the computer is made of different parts, each serving a particular purpose in conjunction with other parts. You don't necessarily need to know how these parts operate, at least not at this time, but you should be aware of their co-dependence to take advantage of their various characteristics.
The "computer" is an ensemble of different machines that you will be using to get your job done. A computer is primarily made of the SOFTWARE (Word Processors, Operating Systems etc) and HARDWARE (Central Processing Unit (usually referred to as the computer), the monitor, the keyboard, and the mouse. Other pieces of hardware, commonly referred to as peripherals, can enhance or improve your experience with the computer.
Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes


(2014, 06). Introduction To Computers.. Retrieved 06, 2014, from
"Introduction To Computers." 06 2014. 2014. 06 2014 <>.
"Introduction To Computers..", 06 2014. Web. 06 2014. <>.
"Introduction To Computers.." 06, 2014. Accessed 06, 2014.

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